miss toes (as part of fantasy footing project)

Body perfection, the standards of which can be traced to antiquity most notably in the forms of Greek statues made out of marble or soap stone, limits countless of possibilities. By engaging in the practice of stone carving and particularly attempting to carve my deformed feet, I am interested in how a politics of the body as concrete and long-lasting, can be manipulated through the addition of more sculptural objects of stone depicting other bodies, other forms of being, widening the semiotic economy of representation of beauty.

These are in relation to a on-going project titled “ fantasy footing: imagining the beautiful possibilities of what’s missing” which incorporates two videos, “mertoegasm” and “trips”.

When we move our bodies, the trace is the footprint. What if that footprint was never whole to begin with? fantasy footing takes as its focal point that which is missing. Born with deformed feet, I’ve always considered the toes that are not there, or the connection of tissue to form webbing between the digits, as constant indicators or signs to that which can be imagined. fantasy footing is an on-going project, spanning multiple mediums, theories, and methodological approaches.